Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rim Nordic Weekend

Well....This weekend at Rim Nordic was kind of a mixed bag of racing. I haven't ever raced up there before, so it was going to be all greek to me. The family and I had the cabin for the weekend and it was pretty cool.

Saturday I entered to race the Super D open 30-39, and the XC Cat 30-34 (which is the first time for me to race cat 2) The Super D went off without a hitch...I was able to get in one pre-ide lap on the course (4 miles) and then I just did some loops on a single track at the bottom. So, when it was my turn to line up (this was a Time trial race, which I didn't know until I was at the starting area), I launched out of the gate and started crankin'. They had everyone spaced out in 30 second intervals and after about 2 minutes, I had already passed the two guys that started before me! I had a solid run and ended up in 1st place!!

Sunday came and the XC started at 10am. I got a short pre ride in to loosen up a bit, and then realized that my legs weren't exited about doing all the climbing that was in this course! Off the line, I just settled in to a decent pace and just kept at it the entire race. The Cat 2's had to do two laps of 7.5 miles a lap. So in the end, no mishaps, no crashes, but damn tired! I ended up in 4th place. I sure wanted to podium, but 4th is ok this time around.


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